Otherworldly…Christ…Gnostic Gospels…

When shall the Great Festival of Light Dawn for all imprisoned humanity? Then Christ departed from us.

Next morning Christ returned and was asked “Lord, where did you go? What did you do after you left us?”

Christ said, “I visited a noble, sacred people beyond your world.”

We were amazed and enquired of Christ, “What beings are there higher and holier than us, and not of this world?”

Christ said, “I tell you! Nobody on this Earth will ever know them, nor human children ever belong to them. Nor will any angelic force of luminaries reign over them. They don’t come from this aeon. Humanity comes from a lower region. They come from another power, not from that force which governs you.”

When they heard these cryptic utterances, they were confounded and struck dumb!
~ The Gospel of Judas ~ (The Gnostic Gospels) pg. 257, 258


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