Oneness…Otherworldly…Self Realization…

I remember, after the lapse of a thousand cycles of the four yuga ages, that Brahma created from his mind some aerial beings of unearthly forms. These spiritual beings occupied a space extending over ten cycles of creations. I remember likewise the varying positions and boundaries of countries, and also the very changing and diverse actions and occupations of their people. I remember too the … Continue reading Oneness…Otherworldly…Self Realization…

Otherworldly…Oneness…Self Realization…

The inhabitants of the Vaikuntha planets are described as having a glowing sky-bluish complexion. Their eyes resemble lotus flowers, their dress is of yellowish color, and their bodily features very attractive. They are just the age of growing youths, they all have four hands, they are all nicely decorated with pearl necklaces with ornamental medallions, and they all appear to be effulgent. Some of them … Continue reading Otherworldly…Oneness…Self Realization…

Book of Enoch…Otherworldly…Self Realization…

And I saw chariots in the heaven, running in the world, above those portals in which revolve the stars that never set. And one is larger than all the rest and it is that that makes its course through the entire world… ~ Enoch (Book of Enoch, Book 4 – Kingdom of Heaven – Ch. 2 — The Luminaries of Heaven…verse 69-70) http://www.mynzahosiris.wordpress.com Continue reading Book of Enoch…Otherworldly…Self Realization…

Out of Body Experience…Know Thyself…Self Realization…

From the astral world we come at birth, and there we shall return at death. That is where you will realize the freedom of your true nature. You were there as a soul cloaked in an astral form to start with. By entering that other world, we learn the causes and healing of all suffering and diseases. We discover the secret of our existence…what happens … Continue reading Out of Body Experience…Know Thyself…Self Realization…

Otherworldly…Soul…Self Realization…

Finer than intelligence is the soul, which is not matter like mind and intelligence but is spirit, or antimatter. The soul is hundreds of thousands of times finer and more powerful than intelligence. We can thus only imagine the velocity of the soul in its traveling from one planet to another. Needless to say, the soul travels by its own strength and not with the … Continue reading Otherworldly…Soul…Self Realization…

(Video) Capturing the Light

I just watched this amazing 48 minute 2008 documentary for the first time about Dorothy Izatt. It is available on Amazon Prime for free. Prior to this film I had never heard of Dorothy or her experience. Here are two trailers of the film…perhaps you will find her story, photos and film beneficial as well. ~ Mynzah Continue reading (Video) Capturing the Light