Kundalini…Know Thyself…Self Realization…

The spine is the highway to the Infinite. Your own body is the temple of God. It is within your own self that God must be realized… ~ Paramahansa Yogananda (The Essence of Self-Realization: The Wisdom of Paramahansa Yogananda, 1990) http://www.mynzahosiris.wordpress.comhttp://www.twitter.com/MYNZAHhttp://www.instagram.com/mynzah/http://www.facebook.com/Mynzah/ Continue reading Kundalini…Know Thyself…Self Realization…

Out of Body Experience…Know Thyself…Self Realization…

From the astral world we come at birth, and there we shall return at death. That is where you will realize the freedom of your true nature. You were there as a soul cloaked in an astral form to start with. By entering that other world, we learn the causes and healing of all suffering and diseases. We discover the secret of our existence…what happens … Continue reading Out of Body Experience…Know Thyself…Self Realization…

God…Spirit…Know Thyself…Self Realization…

To know God as that Spirit which is the origin and end of all beings is indeed the ultimate knowledge. But knowledge of God as the All-in-All is possible only when one realizes first the great “Myself”—that Spirit present within themself, as well as omnipresent in the universe… ~ Paramahansa Yogananda(The Royal Path to Self Realization…Manifestations of Spirit…God vs. Spirit) http://www.twitter.com/MYNZAHhttp://www.mynzahosiris.wordpress.comhttp://www.instagram.com/mynzah/http://www.facebook.com/Mynzah/ Continue reading God…Spirit…Know Thyself…Self Realization…

Soul…Oneness…Out of Body…

When a soul is out of the cocoon of the three bodies it escapes forever from the law of relativity and becomes the ineffable Ever-Existent. Behold the butterfly of Omnipresence, its wings etched with stars and moons and suns! The soul expanded into Spirit remains alone in the region of lightless light, darkless dark, thoughtless thought, intoxicated with its ecstasy of joy in God’s dream … Continue reading Soul…Oneness…Out of Body…

Know Thyself…Self Realization…Oneness…God…

To know God as that Spirit which is the origin and end of All Beings is indeed the ultimate knowledge. But knowledge of God as the All-in-All is possible only when the devotee realizes first the great “Myself”…that Spirit present within themself, as well as omnipresent in the universe… ~ Yogananda ~ http://www.mynzahosiris.wordpress.com Continue reading Know Thyself…Self Realization…Oneness…God…

Spirit…Truth…Know Thyself…

Avoid any suggestion to the mind of human limitation: sickness, old age, death. Instead, constantly impress the mind with this truth: “I Am the Infinite that has become the body. The body as a manifestation of Spirit is the ever-perfect, ever-youthful Spirit.” ~ Yogananda ~ http://www.mynzahosiris.wordpress.com Continue reading Spirit…Truth…Know Thyself…

Oneness…God…Source…Self Realization…

By means of the Higher Knowledge the wise behold everywhere God, which otherwise cannot be seen or seized, which has no root or attributes, no eyes or ears, no hands or feet; which is eternal and omnipresent, all-pervading and extremely subtle; which is imperishable and the source of All Beings… ~ Mundaka Upanishad (1.1.6) http://www.mynzahosiris.wordpress.com Continue reading Oneness…God…Source…Self Realization…