Consciousness…Out of Body Experience…Near Death Experience…Divinity…Self Realization…

When you go beyond the consciousness of this world, knowing that you are not the body or the mind, and yet aware as never before that you exist…that Divine consciousness is what you are. You are That in which is rooted everything in the universe… ~ Yogananda Continue reading Consciousness…Out of Body Experience…Near Death Experience…Divinity…Self Realization…

Kundalini Awakening…

The coiled creative life force at the base of the astral spine, kundalini, has always been symbolized as a serpent. When the pure kundalini force is “awakened”, it rises to the brain and is transformed into the bliss of Spirit. This uplifting serpentine current is Vasuki, the supreme force for human liberation. The analogy can be made that God is manifested in the downwardly flowing … Continue reading Kundalini Awakening…

Awakening…Self Realization…God…Oneness…

When awakened from the delusions of maya, one beholds their body, the separately existing images of other human beings, and all material objects to be streaming unceasingly from one Source: the consciousness of God… ~ Yogananda Continue reading Awakening…Self Realization…God…Oneness…


Being infinite, God cannot be limited to any form, human or stone; yet God is manifest in all forms. One can rightly say that God manifests in everyone as well as in great saints, for God is present in all… ~ Paramahansa Yogananda Continue reading God…Oneness…You…

God…Oneness…You…Eternal…Self Realization…Know Thyself…Remembrance…

It is the Spirit of God that actively sustains every form and force in the universe; yet God is transcendental and aloof in the blissful uncreated void beyond the worlds of vibratory phenomena. Those who attain Self-realization on earth live a similar twofold existence. Conscientiously performing their work in the world, they are yet immersed in an inward beatitude. ~ Sri Yukteswar Being infinite, God … Continue reading God…Oneness…You…Eternal…Self Realization…Know Thyself…Remembrance…

Truth…Self Realization…Within…Consciousness…Awakening…

Truths are not truths to you unless you realize them within yourself. Without realization, they are just ideas. For spiritual perception, spiritual consciousness, lies not in vague theological ideas, but in the acquisition of Self-realization… ~ Paramahansa Yogananda Continue reading Truth…Self Realization…Within…Consciousness…Awakening…

Self Realization…Knowledge…Wisdom…Truth… (Quote)

Truths are not truths to you unless you realize them within yourself. Without realization, they are just ideas. For spiritual perception, spiritual consciousness, lies not in vague theological ideas, but in the acquisition of Self-realization. ~ Paramhansa Yogananda Continue reading Self Realization…Knowledge…Wisdom…Truth… (Quote)

Self-Realization (Quote)

“Truths are not truths to you unless you realize them within yourself. Without realization, they are just ideas. For spiritual perception, spiritual consciousness, lies not in vague theological ideas, but in the acquisition of Self-realization.” ~ Paramhansa Yogananda ॐ Continue reading Self-Realization (Quote)

Self-Realization (Quote)

“Self-realization is the knowing in all parts of body, mind, and soul that you are now in possession of the kingdom of God; that you do not have to pray that it come to you; that God’s omnipresence is your omnipresence; and that all that you need to do is improve your knowing.” ~ Paramahansa Yogananda art pic by Shawn Hocking Continue reading Self-Realization (Quote)

Know Thyself (Quote)

“Do not even allow yourself to be limited to the consciousness that you are a man or a woman: You are a Soul made in God’s image. The wisest course is to remember always, “I am neither man nor woman. I am Spirit.” Then you will rid yourself of the limiting consciousness of both tendencies; you will realize your highest divine potential, whether you are … Continue reading Know Thyself (Quote)