
112717 Eye Am

I am a former Marine and former law enforcement officer.  I have an Associate of Arts degree in Liberal Studies, a Bachelors Degree in Management and Organizational Development, and I am one semester and 400 internship hours form completing my Masters Degree in Psychology with an emphasis in school counseling.  With that said, the most important thing about me is not what I just shared with you, but my Kundalini Awakening, Near Death Experience, and Out of Body experience I spontaneously had that changed my life path.

In November of 2008 I spontaneously experienced a complete Kundalini Awakening resulting in an Out of Body and Near Death Experience.  I became aware of knowledge that had been stored away until released by my Kundalini.  I remembered my Walk-In experience as well as my Cosmic roots.  Since my awakening, I write, create art, music, and assist the collective consciousness with awakening.  I am aware that we are all One Being, manifesting multi-dimensionally.  I Am That I Am, and so are you and everyone else.

 If you would like to know more about me, click the links provided below to read my Kundalini Awakening story and my Pleiadian Walk-In story. ~ Mynzah

Kundalini Awakening Story

Pleiadian Walk-In Story

What is Kundalini?

51 thoughts on “Mynzah

    1. Thank You Brother, it is an honor and a blessing to share…I’m grateful that what I do share, resonates with you. Blessings of Love and Light to You and Everyone that You know…


    2. Good to be felt and heard!!! There’s a lot that comes with ones ability to adjust your vibrational frequencies. Some I have found to be intensely sensitive to ones enviroment!!! My goal is to find divine happiness and to share it with all!!! To visibly witness the positive effects of all these chosen to be on heaven and to experience them waking up to realize they have been chosen by God to be here to create and invite all the positive heaven has and will continue to offer! I am sure it will change and cure the negative issues heaven/earth are currently encountering!!!


    3. God is near!! I had a death experience in 2013 I was 33 i awoke to residing the Bible I’ve had a many vision and 33 in branded on my chest if all us would seek out the 33 in us we would be united across the globe

      Liked by 1 person

    4. This Is My Life!!!…We are Happy to finally make contact with The Most Intelligent Minds On The Planet and I pearsonally have a Hard Time Expressing In words,…The Joy and Pride We Can All Share During This Never Ending Ascention Process.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Good day, thank you for sharing. Is it possible for myself to experience kundalini awakening? I feel there is more of myself I haven’t realized. I have always had dreams with loved ones who are no longer with us.


    1. Thank you, I’m glad that the artwork resonates with you. Some of the artwork I share is mine and other artwork is not mine. If I know who the artist is, I will always credit them and link to their site but sometimes I am unaware of the artist. Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing which art piece you like and hopefully I can direct you to the proper source of the art. Blessings of Love and Light to You and All that You know. ~ Mynzah


  2. Something similar happened to me… we have to continuesly kill the ego of the past (downside of memory) if we what to maintain that perspective of truth… thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. On the right side of the page and towards the bottom is the sign up for the mailing list. Thank you for connecting and being here with your Light and Love.


  3. Wow. I’ve been thinking this for awhile. I need to learn more, but I hesitate because I don’t believe in Spirituality for a fee. If that’s not what this is, please tell me where to begin!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t know if you read my Kundalini Awakening story but I had wrote in there that I had not heard of Kundalini and I wasn’t on a spiritual seeking journey…never had been. Then this happened to me spontaneously…I found out the next day what it was but that was because I was guided there on my computer. I share all of this in the Kundalini story. ~ Mynzah


      1. Yes, I read it. That’s why I asked what I did.
        Many, many souls base their words of awaking on textbook verbage.
        I’m still writing mine…
        Thinking of burning it soon.
        It’s purpose has been completed. I am no longer pulled to write under same conditions.

        Quietude now; rest and mellow.


    1. Blessings of Love and Light to You Divine One and to EveryOne that You know. You’ll have to have the experience yourself and then you will have comprehension of Kundalini, Yourself, All Others, and God, as One, as Love…🐍🙏♥👁


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