Kundalini…God…You…Third Eye…Pineal Gland…

In the ordinary individual the tube of the Sushumna is closed, but by Yoga it is opened so that there is direct connection between the sacral plexus at the base of the spine and pineal gland in the head. Kundalini remains coiled until she rises through Sushumna into the brain, where she awakens the activity of the third eye-pineal gland. This third eye is the … Continue reading Kundalini…God…You…Third Eye…Pineal Gland…


Kindle the fire of kundalini deep in meditation. Bring your mind and breath under control. Drink deep of divine love, and you will attain the unitive state… ~ The Shvetashvatara Upanishad 2:6 ~ http://www.mynzahosiris.wordpress.com Continue reading Kundalini…


That is the goal. It goes by different names…God, Self, Kundalini, Shakti, Consciousness, etc. Sending the life-force up the sushumna and severing the chitjadagranthi. Kundalini is another name for Atma or Self, or Shakti. We talk of it as being inside the body because we conceive ourselves as limited to the body. But it is in reality both inside and outside, being no other than … Continue reading God…Self…Kundalini…You…

Buddha Kundalini NAGA Awakening…

The Lord was staying at Uruvela beside the river Nerañjara at the foot of the Mucalinda Tree, having just realized full enlightenment. Then Mucalinda the Naga-king left its dwelling place and having encircled the Lord’s body seven times with his coils, he stood with his great hood spread over the Lord’s head to protect the Lord. At the end of those seven days the Lord … Continue reading Buddha Kundalini NAGA Awakening…


Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because they seeth it not, neither knoweth it: but ye know it; for it dwelleth with you and shall be in you. At that day ye shall know that I Am in my Father and ye in me, and I in you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost (kundalini), whom the Father will … Continue reading Christ…Kundalini…You…Spirit…


To activate the unconscious means to awaken the divine, the devi, Kundalini – to begin the development of the suprapersonal within the individual in order to kindle the light of the gods. Kundalini, which is to be awakened in the sleeping Muladhara world, is the suprapersonal, the non-ego. For this reason Kundalini is the same principal as the Soter, the Savior Serpent of the Gnostics… … Continue reading Consciousness…Kundalini…Awakening…