Oneness…Cosmos…Know Thyself…

Knowing that words come to us from the vibrations of the universe should help us to see that we are all one. Going about our life with this understanding is completely different from going about life thinking only of ourself. When we’ve worried ourself over the immediate future its important to broaden our perspective and see that the sky is all one and that we … Continue reading Oneness…Cosmos…Know Thyself…


In the beginning of the material creation, that Absolute Personality of Godhead, in His transcendental position, created the energies of cause and effect by His own internal energy. After creating the material substance, the Lord expands Himself and enters into it. And although He is within the material modes of nature and appears to be one of the created beings, He is always fully enlightened … Continue reading Godhead…Oneness…Otherworldly…

Otherworldly…Oneness…Self Realization…

When all phenomena are considered to have a common existence and to be of the same nature as one’s self, this is called pure consciousness. When phenomena are all dissolved of themselves into the one common spirit and there remains nothing different from it, then it is the one consciousness, pure being. This common view of all things as one and the same is called … Continue reading Otherworldly…Oneness…Self Realization…

Oneness…Otherworldly…Self Realization…

I remember, after the lapse of a thousand cycles of the four yuga ages, that Brahma created from his mind some aerial beings of unearthly forms. These spiritual beings occupied a space extending over ten cycles of creations. I remember likewise the varying positions and boundaries of countries, and also the very changing and diverse actions and occupations of their people. I remember too the … Continue reading Oneness…Otherworldly…Self Realization…

Otherworldly…Oneness…Self Realization…

The inhabitants of the Vaikuntha planets are described as having a glowing sky-bluish complexion. Their eyes resemble lotus flowers, their dress is of yellowish color, and their bodily features very attractive. They are just the age of growing youths, they all have four hands, they are all nicely decorated with pearl necklaces with ornamental medallions, and they all appear to be effulgent. Some of them … Continue reading Otherworldly…Oneness…Self Realization…

Book of Enoch…Otherworldly…Self Realization…

And I saw chariots in the heaven, running in the world, above those portals in which revolve the stars that never set. And one is larger than all the rest and it is that that makes its course through the entire world… ~ Enoch (Book of Enoch, Book 4 – Kingdom of Heaven – Ch. 2 — The Luminaries of Heaven…verse 69-70) http://www.mynzahosiris.wordpress.com Continue reading Book of Enoch…Otherworldly…Self Realization…

Otherworldly…Know Thyself…Self Realization…

The different deities, or powerful directing officers are appointed to act in the administration of cosmic activities. Foolish people who are unable to see the intricacies of cosmic management laugh at the ideas of personal management of fire, air, electricity, days, nights, etc…by demigods. But the perfect yogis know how to satisfy these unseen administrators of material affairs and taking advantage of the goodwill of … Continue reading Otherworldly…Know Thyself…Self Realization…

Otherworldly…Soul…Self Realization…

Finer than intelligence is the soul, which is not matter like mind and intelligence but is spirit, or antimatter. The soul is hundreds of thousands of times finer and more powerful than intelligence. We can thus only imagine the velocity of the soul in its traveling from one planet to another. Needless to say, the soul travels by its own strength and not with the … Continue reading Otherworldly…Soul…Self Realization…